Please note that the offering plate is located at the back of the Sanctuary. Your offering envelopes may be mailed to the church – PO Box 339, St. Ansgar, IA.
Watch a livestream of our services. Search for Immanuel Luthean Church St. Ansgar on YouTube or go to our website and click the YouTube icon located at the bottom of the page. We now have a more friendly address
Birthday: Sawyer F, Lester M, Cory A, Ashley M, and Brielle W.
Anniversaries: Chaley & Kayley S.
“Yesterday, Today and Forever”, a phrase that celebrates our history even as we move forward, takes reference from Scripture verses “Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” (Hebrews 13:7-8) Sunday, September 15, 2024, has been designated as the “official” celebration date.
Sunday, September 15, our year-long celebration continues. Rev. Dr. Brian Saunders, Iowa District East President, will preach.
Following Worship Service a catered luncheon will be served at 11AM.Christian Education Opportunities at Immanuel
- Men’s Club meets first Thursday of the month
- Morning Bible Group Wednesday 9 AM
- Mid-Week Evening Bible Study 7:00 PM (not during February or March)
- Confirmation Classes 3:45 PM
- Adult Bible Class Sunday 10:30 AM, after Worship Service
- Church Council second Tuesday 6:30 PM
- Board of Elders second Tueday at 7:30 PM
- Sunday School - following worship each Sunday
We especially need addresses for those who are off to college so they can be remembered with correspondence. Thank you.
Donations are welcome to replenish Immanuel's Good Samaritan Account. Immanuel maintains its own Good Samaritan Account and we contribute to the account in which all churches in St. Ansgar participate, (kept at City Hall).
Offering envelopes may be left at the church office. Please remember to give.
Your help is needed to make sure offerings are designated according to your wishes. Write "missions" or "home" on the memo line at the lower left corner of your check with a corresponding dollar amount.
For example: Memo: $50 missions, $50 home. ("Missions" is designated to Synodical purposes and missions. "Home" is designated to salaries and expenses). If you have questions, please talk with Connie Groth, Tami Woods or a member of the Finance Committee. Thanks.
Ten percent of the offerings are put in the Repair and Maintenance budget up to a balance of $15,000.
Special envelopes are used as follows:
- New Year's Day special envelope- Home
- Ash Wednesday/Lenten/Maundy Thursday/Good Friday special envelope - Missions
- Easter Sunday special envelope - Home
- Thanksgiving special envelope - Home
- Advent Special Envelope- Missions
- Christmas Eve special envelope - Lutheran Family Services
- Christmas Day special envelope - Missions
- Father's Day (no special envelope) loose plate money - Lutheran Family Service
Church Council members for 2023 are: Mike Gerdts– President, Bob Ahlf - Vice President, Julie Bless– Secretary, Kay Groth– Treasurer, Richard Dieterich - Head Elder, Lindsey Falk- Trustees, Connie Groth – Financial Sec’y, Ariel Schulmeister – Education, John Groth- Stewardship, and Laura Pahl– Evangelism.
Evangelism Committee invites you to join Immanuel’s Facebook page. Look for us at Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church – St. Ansgar Iowa, then LIKE IT. Once you LIKE IT, all posts will come directly to your Home Page.
Direct Deposit is available for your weekly offerings. Contact your local bank if you are interested in using this option.
of all kinds are being collected by the Naomi Circle. These will be sent to Love Packages in Butler, Illinois. Love Packages is a ministry aimed at putting CHRISTIAN LITERATURE and BIBLES into the hands of people around the world who are hungry for the word of God. Place these materials in the specially marked basket in the Gathering Area. No hymnals or Quarterlies can be used. Thank you for caring and sharing.